
Python’s Fake Increment and Decrement Operators

Content Source: Python Web Development In Python, you can increase the value of a variable by 1 or reduce it by 1 using the augmented assignment operators. The code spam += 1 and spam -= 1 increments and decrements the numeric values in spam by 1, respectively. Other languages such as C++ and Java have the ++ and -- operators for incrementing and decrementing variables. (The name of C++ itself reflects this; the name is a tongue-in-cheek joke that indicates it’s an enhanced form of the C language.) Code in C++ and Java could have ++spam or spam++. Python wisely doesn’t include these operators; they are notoriously susceptible to subtle bugs. Reading more

Quickly Create Real Angular Prototypes Without Writing Code

Content Source: Angularjs Development Company Designers put a lot of time into designing components and features for their products, however there often still remains a gap between a designer’s vision and a developer’s reality. We want to change that… soon While a public launch is still months away, we have begun building a WYSIWYG prototyping tool that allows designers to use Angular components to create realistic, data-driven prototypes. Designers are ready for a dynamic, data-driven way of working and the web is capable of delivering the tools they want. The tools we use shape our thoughts and define the limit of what’s possible. Change the tools and change our thinking. Continue Reading

Understanding TypeScript Interfaces

Content Source: Angularjs Development Company An interface is a programming feature that helps to define the expected structure of an object allowing that to serve as a contract of sorts for the class where it is implemented. That helps explain the concept but how does this actually translate into working with real world code? Let’s say for example we have the following method: 1 2 3 4 public requestSpecificArea(lat : number, lng : number) : Observable {   return this.http.get(this._api + `locate-neighbourhood?q=${lat},${lng}`); } As you can gather from the code we’re using Angular’s HttpClient class to query a remote API which returns data as an observable that we can subsequently subscribe to. Continue reading

Eventy: WordPress-like Actions and Filters for Laravel

Content Source:   Laravel Development Company Eventy is a Laravel package by Tor Morten Jensen that brings WordPress-style actions and filters to your Laravel app . This package has a lightweight API and makes it easy to build an action and filter system as found in WordPress. The action and filter system in WordPress is a powerful way to customize WordPress themes without modifying the template. For example, your users could easily tap into the <title></title> tag (think wp_title) to modify the way that title tags work without modifying the template. Actions Actions are code that you want to enable the ability to tap into code execution at a given point in your code. Read more….

React Context API  –  A Replacement for Redux?

Content Source: Angularjs Development Company With React is urging us to migrate to the new Context API. Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. In React, data is often passed from a parent to its child component as a prop. This method has worked well in the past, but is not suitable for every kind of data. It will make things difficult later when moving components around. props even get passed down to child components which aren’t using the data. Is Context API a new thing? The truth is that Context has been a part of React for a really long time. Remember the <Provider> tag that we used earlier in the Redux app? It is actually a part of the older React Context API. React Context API is even used by libraries such as react-redux, MobX-react, react-router, and glamorous. So why is React Context API making such a big noise now? React used to discourage developers... – easy way to handle WebSockets

Content Source: Python Web Development The era of static websites has passed. Now users demand dynamic content and application like look and feel. Instead of constantly reloading the page and hitting F5, the page should adjust itself automatically. Many of this can be accomplished with simple asynchronous requests from javascript. But what if you want to update your app only when there is a new data available on the server? You could send a ton of requests in a loop but that’ll use a lot of bandwidth and with more users could potentially DDoS your server or make it very slow. Web technologies are constantly evolving so it’s not exceptional that we have a solution for this problem. It’s called WebSockets. Websockets allows us to establish a stateful connection between browser and server so we can exchange pieces of information in both directions. It’s more efficient than standard request and response cycle from HTTP. Unfortunately, WebSockets are handled differentl...

Hire Top AngularJS Development Companies & Developers

1.  HK Infosoft HK Infosoft is a top-rated Hire AngularJS development service provider company in India with a history of building mobile and web applications that are more secure and easy to maintain and extensible to include additional features. We strive to simplify both development and testing of applications by providing a framework for Client-side model view controller (MVC) architecture. There is a lesser dependency, and the aspect of testability is also great in our AngularJS development services. This language is pure client-side JavaScript and is characterized by HTML attributes coupled with directives alongside binding it to Expressions as well. This makes our AngularJS so popular with our patrons. In HK Infosoft, we have developed several simple and scalable applications with complex features catering to sophisticated business needs for diverse industry verticals. All of us of AngularJS developers employ smart tools and latest systems to offer best A...